Friday, December 25, 2009
my northern holidays

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
history part 20
however, i hav no comment since she is helping u on ur study. so we walk walk like usual holding hands to meet her up.we were walking down da staircase and i saw a gal standing right down at the staircase standing back facing our directions. all of sudden, u notice her appearance as well, my hand was left 'alone' by urs... omg u step on my anger point. u straight away drop my hands and walk around 2x speed than our spped b4 this towards her, then i was left alone behind standing right there dunno if i should come later following u, intro myself as ur gf....
back 2 reality, i stand there right behind both of u, 'act busy', looking at the flow of people around.. u both seems very 'into' the exchange of conversations as if din seeing each other for ten yrs i guess.
later, when u back 2 reality, oh i think u remembered u did bring 1 puppy wif u jus now, aka me, left alone behind u 2. u giving me the smile whenever u did something 'wrong/'forget' abt me most of the times. i smile to her though i din intro myself. u ran to me and giving da same smile again. u knew what will happened next.
"very happy 2 see her, aren't u?"
"long time din see her dy rite"
"i m just 'happned' to tag along companying u rite?"
"u drop my hand and ran to her, r u?"
"i am gf, am i?"
shouldnt u be intro me to her? instead of dropping my hand and act as if i din appear at all?"
"im just companion to meet her, rite?"
"u react ,talk and smile as if din meet her for 10 yrs,"
"i know i am nobody when comes to ur study life or so ever, but i am gf if im not mistaken"
"u like it if i drop urs front of my frens?"
as usual, u act like a small kid who try 2 get forgivness for making mistakes. i still give the same no respond face, but deep inside i start 2 think, it seems to be an unhealthy way of r/ship.
my normal face aka angry face keep showing whole day long. i really don understand, what makes a bf react such way.
its just a fren, which meet up to get things, what for da gf's hands need to be dropped and left behind all alone?
gf standing alone behind, dunno if she should walk front , 'interrupt and intro herself, or stand right where she is, and being the 'sporting gf".
being da 1st one seems keen to show off her status to the fren.. sigh ppl is a so call future dr like u. if i did that, gals normal reaction is, da gf v control over da bf. but i hav diff thoughts: y u did this? it should be a small issue, y we cant walk 2gether to ur frens and u guys start 2 do 'ur business' ?
u dunno how 2 respond over my questions .. u jus keep repeat that u din mean it, but ppl's reaction thru body language is the most natural answer given.
i am disappointed right when u dropped ur hand, i know its da moment, our distance gain further. u din intend to make me into ur life. after all the trusts and faith i given to this r/ship. u did this all of sudden. i nvr wan all these come btw the r/ship, but y this happened. mayb i am not good enuff for u i guess. a gf jus a gf, not really a gf that can tell the world. jus like how we ended, we no need 2 tell the world.
i wonder, will u still be doing this now? i don think so, coz u surely choose da 1 u wan2 be matched with. weird that i need 2 talk abt this small issue which keep play in mind.
i am celebrating 2nd anniversary single life in cmong 2 months, happy 2nd anniversary single to me,
history part 19-DYR?
there's one which i still remembered, jus like every normal couples, arguements/fights are normal. we had ours as well.
ours seems to b v scary , i mean 'fight'/'argue', my usual respond after few minutes is 'wanted to walkaway', turn around, or drop away ur hands if we were holding each others.
then here come da classic moments which i guess 99% of couples did that anbd work 100%. u will surely hold my hands tighter than usual not 2 letting me go, and i am surely will 'act like releasing my hands away from urs... and those words still going on.. till u cant fight me back anymore wif any words.. u seems to lack of words and phrases... then
u will hold my head as if im a puppy who is not obedient, putting ur lips onto mine trying to 'shut' my mouth, coz this is da only way u know right at the moment. i will 'struggle' for few seconds... but after that, i 'surrender'. coz it's something i am weak of..
seems like i really forget how long i din hav that feelings dy... knn need 2 get a man asap.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
calculated define by them
i am ok all these while, till las month, when i am taking over job from ppl, bcum 2 man job. and i seems can't take it anymore when da OM is crossing da line in front of my face. my las day at work b4 i 'burn out' bcuming kinda emo.
well... i know i should not be mayb in ppl's eyes. but i need 2 express it out. i can't take it this way. i am giving all my effort to be what i had promised to ppl. i din turn them down, but i din do da best of i could, coz i cant concentrate.
i just want to work and go off, but the feelings of sandwich at the place is too weird and i reach the tip point.
mayb i need high EQ. i think so. but i just want to say sorry that i make u feel disappointed.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
dec mood
recently having this stupid mood again.. missing those not single life, i think coz its da festive seasons, all those atmosphere, da whole 'smell' making ppl wan2 hav some1 with u whenver u are, either jus a person whom can walk side by side, or just cuddling at the lonely, cool night... god... i should hav get used 2 this single life since its coming to 2nd anniverssary of the single life.
watever it is.. i hav family and frens, and i am happy with it.
we choose how we wan2 live our life, but not bcoz of whoever wan our life to be.
single banzai... hahaha
Thursday, November 19, 2009
luckily i hav bunch of witness...
wuah ppl nowadays v geli... anything they can push 2 u to clean their hands off..
OM, u watch out , look when u walk, look when u drive, tripped to die baru u tau...
kns... if it's not of money, i sure kill u dy.
nvm calm down
inhale~~exhale~~ deep breathing...
i shall pampered myself nice pedicure on 1 dec...
Monday, November 16, 2009
its nov
i dunno what i wan for christmas yet, maybe a nice green tea frap then go for a nice pedicure~~ hhehe i need a good pedicure now.. especially how i'd treated my legs for taking me here n there.
emm maybe plan for trip back as and pg catch up wif good old mates. yeah!!
yesterday went celeb b'day wif mummy, and we get mummy a small lil cute bag from longchamp for her..
Sunday, November 1, 2009
addict to drama

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
my job currently need me to walk around, working wif 1Msia people, work wif 90% ma lat lou, 1 man show job. it's certainly not 'feminine' or OL typical office work, but somehow a job that makes u sweat (good news for me who wan2 slim down), makes u work lively, not much paperwork, huhu good sign for me coz i alre QUIT paperwork major job.
just back from hometown yesterday, i started to miss home, miss my friends, and miss my drinking session.
planning for my next hometown trip.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
remember ur pride when leaving the jerk

3.不要奢望他会再给你信息或电话,因为他会说“Why,please give me a reason”。
din relate to me at all.
its bad having these stupid thoughts that y y y when things happened and, we din settle it on the spot, on the time, dragging times and effort of all parties involved.
feel like wan2 slap the fella.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
so here's the sign that i am actually having.
i saw this familiar face , da same looks, with a gal beside. they were chit chatting happily..
life goes on.. so as me and all past.
cheers~~ for today and tomorrow~~`
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
mana lu pigi
you see, my typical schedule of Mondays to Sundays are :
Mondays / Wednesdays/Fridays:
7.00- 7.30 - rushing for work
8.30-5.30 - work work work
6.00-8.00 - yoga
9.00 - 11.00 - watch tv, surf web.
11.00-11.30 - sleep ZzzzZz
7.00 - 7.30 - rushing for work
8.30 - 5.30- kerja kerja kerja
7.00 - 11.00 - tv, online, stick on sofa all nite
11.00-11.30- Sleep Zzzzz
normally wake up at 9.00 - 11.00 am.
normally i will hang out with sis at malls/friends(coursemates, all female)/whole day at home.
so.. you see where to find dates? i don't even have all these chances...
well, i know, 25 is a sign, either i will meet the right guy within years, if in coming years, i am still single..then i am going to have a fund, a bacheloratte fund, to feed myself when elder days come.
p/s: please la, if you (my future bf) are lot, use GPS/buy a map book/google map; if you're not keen , at least give me a sign; if you never appear (which i am preparing, but i hope it's not true), can send someone to tell me?
sigh.. i just want to fall in love, is it that 'mission impossible'?
Monday, July 27, 2009
it's about a funeral, the husband passed away, his wife shared about his all imperfections, which made all the people laughed, but all these also, made her remembered him well.
she says, " It is all these little imperfections, that makes them perfect for us. "
all the snorings, the tooth picking actions, the dummies actions, ... make us feel the person which doesnt suit us, but afterall, all these imperfects, make the person perfect for us..
i accept him for who he is, include all the imperfects that came together, but it's alright, coz i am searching the next imperfect person out there for me.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
0725-worlds within

just now watching the drama in tv, the guy pak tor with this gal for sometimes. it's very cute at some parts, esp one scene, where they both sleeping 2gether for the very first time. the next morning, both of them try 2 act cool and 'experience' in handling the situations and conversations, but act , they were both shy to telling the feelings inside, instead just act cool and pretend as if nothing special happened.. cute seeing their expressions but which i find it very agreeable which it turn out this way in real life..
at the end of da episode, guy felt he don't know well about this gal who sit right next to her.. but he knows..
they are in love not bcoz of they knowing each other, it's because they don't know each other.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
在某一刻,心裡會被某件事物 或某句說話 觸動而感到一絲絲甜美的滿足感,那便是幸福。
i didn't set high requirements.. never . i am waiting for my happiness
Saturday, July 18, 2009
scary right? i thought so..
some says, to forget, is to restart
some says, to move on, is to let go
some says, to be happy, just an options.
By asked me, if i want to have a talk with past?
i asked myself, can i even take it?
i don't think so. it's not a good end in past, how can i face it?
i know, if i happened to meet past in real life, 1st thing comes in mind : RUN FOR MY LIFE
The best way to overcome fear is to face it. but what happen next?
i know i'm those not easily let things go person. i can't being noble, i can't pretend nothing ever happen, i can't put things aside.
i have feelings, a lot of feelings, which i know, if i know more and more, i will be curious to dig, curious to know, which resulted in sad, anger, madness.
i choose to avoid, i choose to delete, i choose to stay away, no harm to myself, it's the best actually.
i'm sorry, i'm not interested to know. i'm not keen to know anything. so don't tell me, don;t let me know. coz i choose happiness, i choose smile, i choose gay, i choose passion, i choose relaxation, i choose freedom, i choose myself.
i'm not going to stick with the person, who don't share my passion, who don't share my joy, who don't share my sadness, who don't share my problems, who runaway from me, who turns me down.
i love you.
for me - 18 months
luxury thoughts
our 1st stop is Burberry. it's always my dream to get 1 branded bag, or more than that. sigh but i always be the 1st person to turn away as the bills cut off my dreams.. well i swear.. soon i will walk in to BURBERRY , get my dream IT BAG, paying in cash wif all RM50 notes.. yeah.. cash only... i will do that.
somehow, back to reality, i know when i have rm5k , i rather spend the money on my monthly expenses, my food, my ice cream, my food..
u see RM 5,000 can get you either 1 normal canvas middle size handbag, but you can get:
1. easily approximate 160 pin of baskin robbin during 31% discount, or
2. easily 160 times of fine japanese dining which u spent let say rm 30, or 100 times if you spent rm50 each time, or
3. 125 boxes of my favourite and best dark chocolate so far i tried in life-ROYCE.. yeah~~royce banzai~~
so will i buy RM5k bag.. or one of the mnetion above?? emmm
let's see...
Monday, July 6, 2009
6 July
Monday, June 15, 2009
June 15
sometimes u know that ur life has been back to track, sometimes you just want to move forward, sometimes you hope you won't ever turn back, sometimes you just want to be yourself.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
June 7
times really flies... it's been a year and half after the incidents... times really can wash up some details... i kinda like it... at least i won't keep have them in minds.
well i like life now being single.. at least i don have 2 think of how 2 cheer up some1 else. plus its hard 2 understand a new person, or being with him, learning all over again the 'skills/techtics' of being together. oh... pls dont.. i just want to enjoy life.. if possible.. let the new man come into my life years later... same time im kinda worry i might be 'lou ku poh''' hhhahaha nvm la... take it easy.
now its June dy, alre half year of 09, many things been happened around me for past 5 months. January- i were been 'informed' that history cheated on me
February- i been 2 new dept of my current company
March- life of sing k, movies, trips ..
April- same as March
May- my b'day month..
Saturday, May 30, 2009
adapted from :
Thursday, May 21, 2009
so, we should love ourselves... coz our family and frens love us though they didn't tell us
adapted from
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
a friend of mine act did get a cd wif him 24/7, his opinion is : i can't control myself, and i don want to ruin my gf's by not prevent it from happened... i act did agree wif him, which he did think on behalf of his partner and take the initiative of taking cd wif him.. i feel impress and touch as a female, coz i see he respect a gal. Salute~~
then another 1 been asked by the partner, to actually get da cd so that they can prevent 'accident'... oh my buddha.... i know guy n gal equal.. but it seems like this guy did make things equal.. as if he need 2 keep his 'face'.. what abt gal?? or mayb i think she act okay wif that since she love him, and its for her 'sake' as well.... love is blind ..... i think so
so my question is : nowadays, how many man out there now would act still buying cd, or now already change 2 the woman being the role? emmm..... interesting one....
or act nowadays, shouldnt be an issue of who is the one buying, instead safety issue come 1st in mind.... whoever buy it, its not 2 be debate. maybe im being over react then. but i can't stan if a guy tell me, ".... u go buy cd lar... then much safer..." Fish~~~~ u r respobsible as wel, u cant buy it??? so u need da 'face'?? me???
nvm no point debate.. since its the willingness btw couple... isn't it?
as long as we love each other, there's nth 2 be debate/argue of who should be doing it. coz we cherish each other and appreciate what we had 2gether....
i admit, history is part of my life. it bcums part of my memories , good one, just that it ended in not-so-good way. fish.,..... i actually like my life now. coz i don like being commit or attach or even need 2 report 2 people whom i wont know if he might cheat me, or maybe try 2 cover all shits in front of me. i wont let myself being in this kinda situations anymore... i hate being cheated.. i hate being no explanation of da reason of breaking up... i hate that i had to miss history... i hate that i actually have the intention to contact history in search of answers... i hate that i have so much questions... i hate that i might only have the courage to do so maybe when i am drunk... i hate that i had a good memories in things i don really like to remember...
luckily that i fnd my ways to cut all these, at least i find my peace and calm when in yoga practise, luckily i have my frens around me... luckilyi have a tough personalty... luckily i am strong when i am so depress... luckily i din have passive thinking when some people might end their life.... luckily i love myself much more than i thought.. luckily i can live without you coz i din rely on you.... i feel blessed... i did
monday i was in the yoga class as usual. this really Fish lady.... putting lotion on her body (she seems v proud) while on phone... she was naked i think b4 i saw her.. then i put on my clothes will i packed all my stuffs till i wan2 left, she was still naked bz wif da lotion... i don mind if u naked, but prob is, ur polluted my eyes.. yeah u look like as if u don have any tummy/cellulite or whatever... eh ur naked for so long... wait 2 dry izzit??? fish la... makes me wan2 vomit... I HATE YOU BEING EXPOSE AND FORCE ME TO LOOK OKAY?
keep ur so call so think hot figure to ur man, not ppl like me who hav tummy, cellulite,stretch marks... fish fish fish~~~~~
Saturday, May 16, 2009
never ever
i like watch movie a lot, but it might effect by the situation, esp the person sitting next to you, and behind you. this time, was the guy and his partner sitting on my left side. 1st i thought they might jus whispering ... later on they were talking to each other, where da stupid partner kept ask questions, da guy kept explained explained... WTF... feel like wan2 slap them LOUD and keep their mouth shut...gosh.... calm down.... i learnt from my yoga practise... inhale .. exhale... inhale... exhale.... i did managed to calm down... coz i don wan2 ruined my RM11...
wow... facebook indeed a good media 2 spread news... just found out my fren's bro just go married... age like maybe 20?22? ....
back to myself, my frens seems start to worry about me i guess... all surrounded by the point of intro guys for me, even my own family... err... i just started to enjoy my life... can i rest?? concentrate in my life? it's very tiring after the past years... very very tiring i mean it.
Friday, May 15, 2009
1. for sometimes dy, i finally get a good mood in my working environment.. its v diff but i like da things i can learn, da nice colleagues.. =) thanks guys
2. yesterday da Isetan sales , i went jus for short while coz i know, da longer i stay, da worst things is coming await. finally i just manage 2 control myself to get only a pair shoes... less than RM40, so no worries to my budget.. i act v worries about my sickness.. i keep buying shoes, non-stop when i see them.. i try 2 control and i hope i can really cut down my shopping behavious coz my shoe cabinets alre full....
3. lastly.. my bestest buddy soon will attached wif her beloved.. feel so great seeing people i love find thier happiness and decided to move on with the next chapter of life, holding hands with person they love for the rest of their life... Shi a wase ne....
i still recalled of some past memories, but u know what, its all with happy smily faces not emotional crying faces , so no worries yea~~
life goes on~~~
yeah 2nite will going for Angels And Demons wif my 'kaki' movie...
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Letter for you- i
i felt like want to contact you, but not having the guts to call, sms..... so here i am... writing this letter for you, since the seperation sometimes back.
i kept thinking what if things been solved? then i wont keep think IF IF IF in mind.. this is not what i always want of being uncertain about things in life.
u always say:
i din think on ur side
i kept make u being 'luxury' life
i din helped on ur probs
i'm being bad tempered
i'm being selfish
i'm being inconsiderate
i'm being playful
i din fulfill ur wish
i din put on make-up
i din wear what the other gals wear
i kept wearing jeans
BUT, u know what
i cooked a full set meal (dishes + soup) JUST FOR YOU 1st time in my life
i tried on make-up 1st time in my life JUST FOR YOU...(which i am still exploring)
i learnt and drove all da way to KLIA just to fetch u, so tat u no need 2 take the long hour bus trip...plus, i just learnt klang valley roads like few months... plus its night.....
i tried to mix wif ppl around u, ur family, ur frens... i went trip wif ur frens which i don even know who they are... but u giv me black face wh i brouhgt u met up wif my gang...
i cant being wif u there...but i listened to ur troubles and probs daily.... pushing myself so hard to solve for you..
i gave my time 24/7 for you,whenever you're around...
i swear that i din outing/dating/seeking any guy at all...
i'm being myself all these while, but i know slight changes might be a good way, y not i giv it a try rite? but seems like i lost myself.. i juggle btw whom u want me to be and being who i am.
i know tolerate is what i lack of, i accept you as the person when i knew you, why things being changed??or i changed?
Thursday, May 7, 2009
then i started to think again... shit.. i feel like life just started ... some alre moving to next stage. i can't take good care of myself, how should i take care of others?
some people tend to be have chances of getting new people in life easily. i know i am not, due to my lazyness. yeah its true. i am not taking any initiative to know new people. i spend my time front of TV, PC, books, sleep, dreaming, meet up friends... maybe this is what people call the best time in life to enjoy... and so, i booked ticket to TW next year. though i yet 2 work out my budget for the trip, but it gives me motivation when i was tired in work, when i was lost... keep me going on...
i hope people around me find their path in life, find their happiness, find their way to stay happy everyday...
i wish i can earn as much as i spend.. hahaha da rest just stay healthy n happy
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
so , do u still think i am a bad person? if i am housewife, or stay home doing my own stuffs i am sure running to help. prob is i am working as well... pls.... pls... i think i can't live/stay wif ppl who being same temper as mine...
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
history part 18
shit... heart beat keep dumping..i know... i will be 'reading something i had been untouched for year..'
haih..... those words are so meant back to those days.... da sweet years, da good years, da years when passions grew so well. i came across 1, i wondered if u remembered...
da gal lied on ur shoulder in da bus.... i really pissed off... coz she is da 1 who likes u.... prob is u din stop her... let her lied till she woke up... wat the Fish .... i wonder if it's me... either i lied on someone else's shoulder, or someone else lied on my shoulder... are you that cool? calm? steady?? i kept wondered.....
i should have deleted...all those mails we had b4... then it shall be time 2 called off..this rotten rship
all those intimate calls, intimate moments... shit.... its like movies, or i shall say it's like b4 people dead, da few moments b4 closed the eyes... all those memories flashed one by one like movies...
soemtimes i been trying so hard intend 2 get over what we had thru... but ur part of memories i had in life... mayb this is my 1st love.. my 1st rship and i put in a lot wh i din expect.... it seems hard 2 totally 4get abt u... but i know... no matter how... ur always be part of my life...
We were as one babe
For a moment in time
And it seemed everlasting
That you would always be mine
Now you want to be free
So I'll let you fly'
Cause I know in my heart babe
Our love will never die no
You'll always be a part of me
I'm part of your indefinitely
Boy don't you know you can't escape me
Ooh darling 'cause you'll always be my baby
And we'll linger on
Time can't erase a feeling this strong
No way you're ever gonna shake me
Oh darling 'cause you'll always be my baby
I ain't gonna cry no
And i won't beg you to stay
If you're determined to leave boy
I will not stand in your way
But inevitably, you'll be back again'
Cause you know in your heart babe
Our love will never end no, no
I know that you'll be back boy
When your days and your nights get a little bit colder oh
I know that you'll be right back baby
Oh baby believe me it's only a matter of time
recently addict to this song by MC ... but i love the version by DC... da lyrics so mean... hahah i wonder if i thinking too much... for being too positive sometimes... but at least i have faith in myself that i will fall in love again....
Saturday, April 25, 2009
history part 17
now is april... mayb ur bz apply for ur posting or u'd sitting for ur exam or u alre getting reply on wh u shall be serving.... i wonder... will we see each other again? will we talk again?? will i speechless? will i being frenly wh i see u? or will i slap u? hahaha i keep think of da things might happen, n the possibilities of this to be happened..
2day went to bridal shop getting some stuffs... da gal same age as me.. trying on her wedding gown... "wow... i'm almost 25... people r getting married... settling down... me?? hahah really funny... not even getting over past, not even have a partner...."
last time i used to think, we will move to this stage... now.. getting a partner is mission impossible.. getting married................ next life maybe.....
i don have faith anymore frankly speaking... coz it's hard to really know someone... getting used to live with someone from zero... decide to be with someone for another 20,30,40 years.... plus.... i don wan2 risk my time 'invest' in a relation which might end up like history... i don have that much of 47 months... i don have that faith to love someone and not to thinking da person shall be loyal,faithful.... i tell myself.. if i get a new partner(if i can find a new partner ), i wont wan2 be wif him for more than 2 years.... if i din see da future , i shall call it quit, or move on with some1 else.... but those just a positive thinking that, i manage 2 find so many ppl who really suits me....
hate when come to think i'm 25, no $$, no partner.... life just so shit... but i earn myself, settle my bill.... some frens can hav a partner, still thinking of another person hoping to get an chance to be wif... or a new relation... as if riding a car, looking for a new porsche... hahha
sometimes kinda worry, that i will be desperate that, once i meet a new partner who have da potential to be my companion, i just go and become someone's wife... within a year time... which kinda alot of examples around me.... scary... mostly is meet wif 'accident' then rush for the process of being mr & mrs...
u know... i now getting myself into stuffs u like me to do las time... a lot.... esp my look.... shit... must not let u know....
i wish... i can find my happiness... a.s.a.p..... lack of patience....
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
history part 16
its good wh think from other side that, i get da chance (comforting myself) live single life... but seems like... i started 2 feel bored dy... not soon sis might left, i will be alone staying here.... shit sure v hard 2 get thru days n nights.
"愛情是一種力量,一種願意讓對方為自己改變的力量。愛情的經營是靠兩個人的互相融合,遷就。沒有人天生就是完美的" --- last time i think all these are craps.. now feel like it really spell my mind...
i wonder what ur doing now? where are u? hows ur life? so envy tat u find ur new partner... haih y i still stuck in past... y i yet 2 find my right man...
i kept remembered... i kept pushing myself forward... i kept recall... i kept thinking....
tired... jus wan2 rest ... until i am ready again
Friday, April 17, 2009
history part 15
see... places we been b4 are: as itself alre a few.. like ap,gk, pg, ri,kk, ... kinda alot for students who din earn $$ yet... then we been had activities like... movies, swimming, diving somemore.. though i joined solely for u... hahaha then wat else... kinda a lot i think... i like our 1st trip to ri, my 1st trip i went wif u along wi ur frens... none of them i really know well but i knew it's wat u always wan2 to had... i think i had a good times there wif u n ur frens ... i think in mixing wif ur frens. i performed kinda well.. hahah praising myself... at least i wont isolated myself front of u and them rite?
oh ya then there's 1 trip , sort of a road trip back 2 as wif ur family... gosh,,, super scary i ever had... coz wif ur mom... i think i'm being so ... weird... unease coz i'm act sitting next 2 u... then ur mom was behind... i really dunno wat 2 say... how 2 hav a good conversations wif her.... but i tink later on wh went 2 ur house i did ok also lar... having meals wif them... hahah i washed plates for all da dish ler... i rarely did at my home k.... ur so lucky .....it's normal that gal wan2 show her 'good side' front of thier partner' famly n frens... 2 giv him da face cukup cukup.... but i did being v harshed once front of ur family... wh i really really sorry... gosh... i hurt u so much tat time.. sorry
sometimes i wish i follow wat ur wishes tat time... but its kinda hard as i still wan2 be myself... mayb we're being not matured enough or we r young .... life's like this mayb... then only we know what really we wan2 look for...
P/S: i had so much momories wif u... thanks for everything u brought to my life... sorry i din being perfect as u wish
history part 14
i don hve any news from u... i deleted u from my contacts.. all contatcs... i can't face u... afterall.. u din come 2 me intend 2 solve our issues... but i know i'm going thru it kinda well..
myb i should think from ur side, if i'm in ur shoes.. what would i do? but i can't coz i cant imagine that i would leave u alone , left u without talked to u.... i can't resists ur eyes... ur sadness... that's my weakness.... anyway it's over ... alre a yr plus... u go after ur dreams... i am in my life... my ordinary life...
i did hang out wif frens... and i did try my best 'observing' guys , single guys frens around... haih...i don't know why... i just wan2 get some1 who can share my life... it seems too hard for me... i don't know y... maybe da real 1 yet 2 appear or still on his way.... hahahah caught in some traffic jam, some wrong persons... b4 he can reach.... i did think so...
then i recall again 2 stupid history ... u said u start date few months after our seperation... i was like... how could u ar?? i mean how can i learn from u? 2 4get u then being close wif some1 i don even know tat wel... trying 2 LOVE him??? maybe it's easy for some people... or most people... it seems 2 be da hardest part i could ever done
i think i'm being stupid, or naive or maybe too loyal... i'm just v weird ... i wan2 move on... but i wan2 enjoy my life yet i do hope i can find guy who loved me... at least he wont being irrresponsible... da 1 i can live for da rest of my life... i'm not tat hardworking ppl in relations... once i find da 1, i wont wan2 change ....
Friday, April 10, 2009
history part 13
i kept thinking, y i cant get u 2 talk 2 me that time? y i failed to get u 2 talk to me? y u can jus left without saying anything 2 me? u really had nth 2 tell me?? back in times when things happened?? or izzit true wh ppl told me that... u might act been cheated on me?? if so, then it might be da best answer 2 fill in the blanks y u left in sudden, without a word...
i presume, it stopped that time, though u din spell ur mind, i did my part n i had no regrets. coz i tried, i hav no regrets then.
i wondered, y u wan2 came out after it happened like half yr later, after i'd been thru all da ups and downs of alone.... u know i really felt i am useless, coz i always wan2 be my self, not da tough face u see, but till da end, i am still da tough character u seen, is there any guy can left da person they love(i think u did, i hope its not cheated), no goodbyes, no words, jus ask her 2 blah...
i kept hav all da words u told me: jus go, i don wan2 talk 2 u, i don wan2 see u, we are over, i cant stan these,...... it's not like u wan me 2 announce it to the world....
so i took all of them wif me.... packed all my feelings... i went 2 a place far far away so u wont ever see me again.... i started my life over again... i face my feelings, i live in miserable life... i am normal during normal times... bad times approached wh i'm alone.... i cried so much at nites... i hate nights so much.... i hate driving coz i will be crying as well, as soon as i'm in the car, musics on, tears started 2 dropped, i hate jams, coz tears are unstoppable, i don care what ppl in the next car think of if they saw me... i hate being alone... i hate that.... i hate wh i see my phone... i jus tried so hard 2 left it all over places... i don wan2 see it, coz i know, i will try 2 contact u... i hate myself so much for da months... useless indeed.
half yr later, u approached me, i dunno how 2 say no, coz i am useless, once again i hurt mysef... putting my mind in tat horrible times...
again... i'm killing myself n my decisions for 2nd time.... i had no guts 2 rejected u....
again.... i seems2 be getting over it.... when times are filled wif other much important issues....
u came again... i giv u ONE BIG SHOOT, n u never come back...
i know i am doing this, 2 help myself getting over this... i cant follow ur flows anymore... i hav my own life to live.... i have my life wh alre back 2 track... to me, there's no turning back, coz i dont see da benefit of doing so... i don need anything now... i don need explaination... now a yr after things happened... i solve things on the spot, not after that, not after ur free for me, not after u tired wif others n u sudden recall of me.... i am me... i am loyal to my love... wh i dont deserve people who cheated on me, and dont even hav da guts to talk 2 me.... i don need a person who runaway from problems to love me....
i am tough , indeed tough than u expect i am. i can cry on my own shoulder, i solve it myself, i move forward, don come to say sorry , wh u realise that u ACTUALLY HURT me b4..... i am not anyone... bear in mind... thanks to u... i am so tougher than i expected....
i always wan2 be dependent gal, wh needs some1 to protect me... but seems that i am too independent, that even this hard time, i get thru myself... no words of apology, no explanation, no discussion, no conversations.... but i get thru it thru support from my frens, family n myself...
luckily, i am not that useless afterall, i din say congrats on ur new partner, i jus be myself not giving respond... i knew if i am useless, i will never ever woke up from my dreams...
when u were gone, all questions marks seems 2 be pop here n there... i cant find or get any answares from anyone,anywhere,anything...
but when all da blanks fill in wif 1 word.... all questios, wonders are answered... cheated
yea best answer of all times... all questions are answered... gosh.... thus no further words shall conclude all my wonders...
i know, i deserve some better than this, some1 who at least hav guts, or courage and honest to their feelings...
no pain no gain. its sad wh things ended in tragic, mayb i am too young to handle all these, or i am innocent/naive to think that its no big deal or probs in the relation...
i deleted u from my life
i don wan2 know anything more from u, i really don wan2 see u... coz i dunno if i will slap/kick ur ass/runaway/ from u.... or i will just run run run not turning back
i jus wan2 live my life.... without u anymore...
i am not perfect, i'm just being myself... dont change me... just take it or leave it....
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
history part 12
met him ... hanging, dating, driving around town, eatin, movie-ing, hang out at my place/his place, sitting next 2 him watching him play games... till i fall asleep, life can be so simple... yet happiness filled my ... overflow....
i like rainy days... coz i will get the chance.. taking umbrella.. standing close 2 him... walking in rain... smell the rain.. feel da cool air... holding each others hands... this is what i called happiness
to me, i want to remember the best moments in my history... bad momories let it gone with the wind...
without u, i live in memories of & with u.. memories mayb be our fights and arguements mostly... but i remembered u in a smily face... ...... -Boys Before Flowers
history part 11
guess what... he get straight As... i am speechless... not that i looked down on him... i just didn't expect he to be this EXCELLENT... gosh... i undertsand y ppl can get so jealous wh tis guys hav all da package:look, study luck...
sudden, i felt i'm so small... i felt so small.. i felt i am so poor... as if i didn't suit this excellent sun-shine guy front of me....
we met up.... i cried front of him.... so shameful.... =(
i looked at him.... i cried as if it's end of the world.... (drama queen)
my body moved towards him... we hugged... for the 1st time....
p/s: i can't recall when we hug for the 1st time, it's act reminded by him after we started few yrs later... he remembered the most... and i kept in my mind...
my sun-shine smile...
Monday, April 6, 2009
6th-7th April
sometimes i am so emotion, thinking of past, recall of past... then i'm stuck into the mood of history... then i cried... which i didn't move forward... i cried in my car... back to those days
but sometimes... i am so happy.. i'm in mood... i can sing along loud in my car...
so i try not to going back.. i read novel.. heheh currently reading 'Angels and Demons'..
i make my schedule full.. i finished my classes late. i try 2 fill times wif frens...
sometimes i wonder.. how to define when i'm over past?
7th April
today been kinda pack wif jobs. feel times fill my life meaningful... but jus now wh way back in car.. i started talking to myself... abt history... i know that i need an explanation.. sort of reasons, answers ... y all these happened... but can i handle it? what i expect after knowing all? can i handle them?? i don't think so... i hope i won't know but will i over it? i kept asking myself...
Love can be simple, yet complicated
Friday, April 3, 2009
history part 10
not soon after that, we had our 1st valentines's day 2gether. we din celeb but i remember well, i gave him a key chain, my 1st present for him....
his present for me it's a anklet. way back b4 we were couple. that was a gift from him on his trip to pg back then. my fren told me, anklet means he wanted to tie your leg, so you won't go far away from him.... =) i'm touched.... i keep wearing anklet till now, though it's not from him. i don't know why, but i love having something 'tie' on my leg....
falling in love is always sweet, esp it's the very starting moments. everything seems so sweet, happy, every lil things can make u smile... easily smile from ur heart. times seems 2 stop when being with him.
i remembered the most, it's our 1st trip 2 pg after started. our most memorable walk along the beach side of GD. i;m wering this heels and we walked from starting point till the end... my legs killing me but i din realised much, mayb the feelings of happiness had flooded me ... =)
i like da feelings of holding someone's hands....hands of guy i like a lot...
i like da feelings of talking to u... coz ur so smart....
i like look into ur eyes... coz i see me inside ur big eyes......
i like standing beside u... coz u had this nice smell...
i like seeing u smile... coz it melted my heart...
finally i found u... da guy with charming sunshine smile i'd been looking for.....
p/s: i missed ur smile a lot...
it reminded me of what i had before....
sun-shine smile =)
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
history part 9
he spell it out. the phrases which never cross my mind for the past few months nor today. i'm surprised and shocked. i was quiet for almost few minutes. i want to say yes, but i thought we had this talked before, why still we want to risk?
"can we jus try 1st?" i suggested. at least if we won't hurt that much if it's not officially couple.
"no. either yes or no" he sounded 'threaten".
i remain silence... i really don't know if this will be good or bad. but if we never try, we never know. i looked at him, he was driving. i like this guy, a lot ...
"okay." he held my right hand. coz i'm on the left seat. he started to hold my hand when he spelled it.
i'm in love, for the 1st time in my life.
i remembered the night till now... it's very simple with feelings within...
i'm touched.
it's February 10 2004.
Love can be so simple yet so complicated.....
history part 8
i decided that i want to start decrease the days of catch up outing wit him. well, you might say i'm stupid, but he did mentioned, now it's not the right timing, and i agree. few months later, we shall go to diff places which we yet to know. i don't want to 'addict' into this friend. and i didn't expect for anything more. so i made my mind, i am going to say no for today's outing.
it's february 10 2004.
he SMSed as usual for a drink. i said no, giving lame excuses of family dinner. but actually dinner was at 7pm instead of 10 plus at night which normal time we hang out. he sensed it i think. he said just for a while. i pushed it to family dinner.
he called (which he didn't do that often). i said busy for dinner with family. "it just a while. i need to talk to you. i come by later." he hung up. i didn't have the chance to spell a word..
"i'd reached." i almost forgotten trying to forget about tonight. "give me a minute" i grabbed keys that's what i manage to take and wearing the my sleeping suites (tee n shorts). i didn't think twice of rejecting him. and there was me, inside his cute lil car...
history part 7
'hey ask your friend come in say hi'
'huh... why, i need to go dy'
'say hi only, very fast one lar'
'errr.... i try lar'
''err... my mom's inside, she want you to come and say hi'
'oh... okay', so he met my mom... and we were friends that time...... weird right?
inside his cute lil car, i felt weird... nevermind, i still want to watch movie...
gosh... we didn't make it as the time alre past... aiks~~~ i think it's my mom then made us can't catch up for the movie....
back at home, he sms me.
'i'm sorry... we didn't managed to watch the movie... sorry coz your wearing so nice n pretty ( if i'm not forgotton) and we didn't make it....
it's all because of mummy lar.... i didn't watch the movie...
but it's mummy, that i get his compliments....
heheh.... it's a sweet night....
smile into sleep
history part 6
he's not local thus we were not seeing each other during the festive seasons. our 1st 'separated' after being 'close friends' for months. i missed him when he's not around coz we met almost 24/7. but we still kept our contact of SMS each other, calls not often but i personally prefer sms .... maybe i don't want to let him 'know' my feelings from my voice... so we sms... and those 'intimate words' started to spell out... '..... i don't like here... v boring... i hope your by my side now'................
i kept read it again and again.... the very old model of hp's buttons almost damaged after my non stop of repeating 'exercise'. i knew, i like this person, but i won't tell him. i need to think what i want for myself.... no matter how, i won't take the 1st step....
the super long days of 'seperated' ( i think it's just like 3 to 4 days afterall) seems to 'challenge' my feelings to him. then we straight away catch up the day he backed....
i remembered well the place, coz i met 3 people sitting few tables away... hahhha
then we continue usual 'schedule' of chit chat and what happened when we both not for each other.... i took his classic hp ( this was v stylish hp back in those day... nokia 3310 if not mistaken) started to play with it. i realised, when i felt shy , i have this habit of browsing people's hp, as if want to see what they had inside.
and i was there, MENU==>Messages==>inbox==> fong lynn
fong lynn
fong lynn
i saw my name on the screen, not one not two... but all the messages in inbox (those days inbox only can kept up to 10 messages only )... it's all my correspondances with him.... something has really going on btw us.... just that we won't want to bring it out....
i smiled... inside my heart.... i felt happy ....i did.... =)
then we left the place.. walking back to his cute lil car.... i remembered, we past by the alley... it;s kinda dark... all of a sudden, i saw the thing i feared the most until now... MICE... and i just scream.... not really loud, but something like 'ARRrrrrr'.... my body just noturally moved aside avoid seeing it, and shit... i accidentally 'touched' him for the 1st time.... i was so embarassing....what am i doing....
but no worries, i'm a good actress of hiding and keep myself back 2 calmness..
so we end our 1st outing after 'long seperation'.....
i explore new things...
i knew my feelings...
we didn't spell out.....
but i knew
he has special place in my current life...
i like night time...
and it's february 04
history part 5
one day he mentioned he was going to work since instead of doing nothing at home. he said 'when i get my first pay, i shall treat you for a meal'. and there we were, at the place which i like the most of the food they served... HTK.. my favourite spot in as. it's an outdoor place, i don't think nowadays gals would actually go for outing in such place., but i still love it, mayb it's him i think....
so same cute lil car, same casual look of me wif home wear, he was in his same look wif shirt n knee length pants. our 1st meal together at this crowded HTK. then out of sudden b4 we get a seat, some1 called my name... a fren of mine or act its whole gang of friends which not so close but saying hi.... i felt bit weird actually, though nothing really happened..
so we get our food, having our 1st meal 2gether.... he treated me as promised... n i started to love the place much more than i used to...
it was January 2004....
we continue our outing, the time was night after his work, and mostly places like htk, or mamak stalls or mayb we just sat and have our talk... i don;t really mind anywhere... coz i knew.. that i started to seeing this person 24/7, and i think i had thoughts of crossing the friends border....
we did talked about the deeper friends' border, but i remember once he said 'times not right yet for me to get in relation as now i don;t know where will i go'.. i never ask and i never think further after that....
and it was January 04...
i like night time .... coz i can see you and we have a good talk of what we both experience during the day...
history part 4
my attire was very typical casual wear, big size shirt + shorts knee length. i did asked myself b4 i went in the car, will he kidnapped me? hahhaa the next second, i'm inside his cute lil car and i might be kidnapped....
the journey to Nino's house around 40 minutes, but to me it's kinda like less than 40 minutes... we chat a lot, talked about things happened in life, tuition last time, school, people we knew...
finally, we reached. Nino said 'something happened btw two of u'. i kept thinking, not really it's just friends who visit friends, nothing more nothing less.....
then we were on our way back and sent me back, then my phone rang... my mom asked me fetched my bro from tuition.... so we were talked again in his car... the trip makes me feel kinda good that i finally get a friend who was outside from my circle of secondary schoolmates...
it's a rainy day if i'm not mistaken...
and i like rainy days....
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
history part 3
so i was waiting for the day he came fetch me... hehe....
history part 2
this Ah Wong was a charming one.. hahah he have this look which is very sweet, yet charming. then Nino act did manage 2 get his Hp no ~~~ but she did get me , my ex partner's article.. hahah article which he wrote for school magazine. he is a good one, da article surprised me coz i never seen any1 who wrote about angels, i mean some kind of angels like gals always dreamt of .. its a cute one, which makes him a little impression in my heart.
Nino knew him b4 i did. i am jus like a side ppl seeing nino interacting with him n his gang once while. later on, Nino get me his ICQ.. i start 2 feel like... oh no way... i hav 2 approach guy? but its ok ... it's just ICQ ... not really phone no. so i added him. we started in funny way. coz i left msg for him wh i get a replied he kept repeating his name in CAP.. i was like... is this guy crazy? stress??
later on we started 2 chat then. but its act almost our time of face the STPM. so we started into the trend where all people has their hp. i got mine as well and we SMSing then.
later on we finished with our STPM... oh the hardest and last exam in life. story began for chapter 2.....
history part 1
and now, its ended. it's so different from wat i have in mind b4 this. it seems to be it's the longest marathon that i joined which i was kicked out in a sudden. it is unpredictable. yet, i accpeted it when times flies, wh life fill wif family, friends, job,moving to new house, taking up yoga classes, etc.
the relation started in cute way, but few months later, the relation changed 2 distance relation. it really changes lots of things in life. i went into uni, i maintain my relation via phone. we met once in 2 to 3 months. when people tell me, or books read 'distance relation never work out'. i was like... how could? my relation is distance, but i am doing good, even better wif my partner.
we met once in few months. i can feel what is 'absence makes the heart grow fonder'. it was so true afterall. i missed him a lot, and i felt glad i had him 'beside' me all da time. he can concentrate on his study, i can study (which i don) as well. i get 2 know frens, enjoy uni life. at the same time, i had him, with me. =)